๐ŸŒ Web Rules

Web Rules - Relivegames.com

1.Respect for other users

ย - Users are required to treat others with respect and without insult, discrimination or harassment.

2.Prohibition of inappropriate content

ย - It is forbidden to forcibly post content that is vulgar, hateful, pornographic, violent or otherwise inappropriate.

3.Personal data protection

RelivGames.com reserves the right to modify these rules at any time without prior notice!

4.No spam

ย - Bulk messages, advertisements or other spam content is not allowed.

5.Responsibility for content

ย - Users are responsible for the content they post and undertake not to infringe the copyright or other rights of third parties.

6.Prohibition of manipulation and fraud

ย - It is forbidden to use the website to spread misinformation, manipulation or fraudulent activities.

7.Suitable username

ย - Usernames must not be offensive, vulgar or misleading.

8.Ban on multiple accounts

ย - Each user may only have one account unless otherwise expressly permitted.

9.Site security protection

ย - Users may not attempt to compromise the security of the site, such as hacking or spreading malicious software.

10.Respecting moderators and administrators

ย - The decisions of moderators and site administrators are binding and users must respect them.

11.Changes to the rules

RelivGames.com reserves the right to modify these rules at any time without prior notice!
