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Are you interested in our site? You can place our image banner on your site.
If you are interested in exchanging an advertising banner with us, contact us at info@relivegames.com.
Or you can just add our banner to your website. Thank you for every support of the site.





Account/PayPal Donate ReliveGames.com

If you want to contribute to the portal, you can via paypal or via an account. What will you get out of it? Good feeling! :P

PayPal: lukas.meznik90@gmail.com
Iban: SK27 0900 0000 0051 5830 2474
Message to recipient: Web_Nick_Name

Price: 5 - 100Eur

Price is in green color.

- All these contributions are voluntary and non-refundable! Thank you for every donation.

SMS Donate Slovak Republic

www.relivegames.com Pošlite SMS v tvare: fakaheda m236067 20 na číslo 8866
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- cena sms je v zelenej farbe
- všetky tieto príspevky sú dobrovoľné a nevratné! Za každý dar vám ďakujeme.

SMS Donate Czech Republic

www.relivegames.com Pošlite SMS v tvare: fakaheda m236067 499 na číslo 90733
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- cena sms je v zelenej farbe
- všetky tieto príspevky sú dobrovoľné a nevratné! Za každý dar vám ďakujeme.

Here's how to support the ReliveGame.com project


The first thing you need to do is top up your credit on the website.

After winning the credit, you select the sponsor in the store you want.

If you want to support by another payment method, please contact the Owner or write to info@relivegames.com

Thank you for supporting the project

